Join us full-time!
We have a number of positions opened for you to consider, apply and join the vibrant teams of the projects we are working on!
Even if you are not looking for a full-time position, you are most welcome to join and contribute to any of the projects as they are all open and welcoming contributions!
Scientific software projects rarely have resources available to promote themselves to the community. This often leads to segmentation, lost efforts in re-implementing already existing solutions, and quite often simply choosing some proprietary products. To help you helping us to promote various projects we lead or just know about, this page provides a collection of pamphlets which you could print, share (as a PDF - just click on the corresponding image), and contribute to (links to the sources provided where available).

This single page pamphlet provides QR codes to download some of the pamphlets listed below. Best to be kept at an exhibit booth for visitors to scan or to be presented on a bulletin board.
Python in Electrophysiology

Double-sided tri-fold presenting Python-based projects useful for research in electrophysiology (LaTeX sources on GitHub).
Python in Neuroimaging

Double-sided tri-fold presenting Python-based projects useful for research in neuroimaging (LaTeX sources on GitHub).

Double-sided tri-fold on one side presenting Debian and on the other NeuroDebian projects (LaTeX sources on GitHub).

Double-sided tri-fold presents DataLad and its core git-annex projects (LaTeX sources on GitHub).


Double-sided tri-fold presents BIDS (Brain Imaging Data Structure) which describes a standardized layout for neuroimaging data files to facilitate methods reuse, sharing, etc.